I’ve created some videos where I'll be answering frequently asked questions about the radio and music industry. But first, let me provide some context.
If you have been following me for a while, you will know that I have made a name for myself as a rap artist, musician and now as a producer in the music and radio industry. In 2023, I was nominated for Best Content Producer on Daytime National Radio. The year before that, we got nominated for Best Daytime Show on national radio.
So, I've reached a place in my life where there are a lot of nuggets that people don't know about that if they knew, it would help and assist them in fostering some success in their professional journeys.
Vent Media is a platform where people can learn about the music and radio industry. I'm starting by answering some frequently asked questions to save people some time. You might be in both industries, already have a leg in, but are just struggling to figure out how to get to the next level. Some of the information I share might be useful for you.
However, at some point, some of these answers that I give won't be enough and won’t be custom-made for you either as an artist or an aspiring broadcaster. That’s why I offer one-on-one consultations, and I encourage you to invest in yourself so you can keep moving forward in your career.
However, before you consult with me, you'll have access to these videos where I answer a lot of the FAQs. You’ll also have access to my blogs for people who like to read.
I will host FREE group consultation sessions where I will have five or six people in one session and give everyone a chance to ask a question or two, a specific and direct question that speaks to YOUR journey. You must be selfish about what you want to know so that you get the answer that you need for you to forge the next step of elevating yourself as a professional.
This information is important to provide context. As we advance, each video will have a question of its own. I might not get into the depth of each answer, but the depth is up to you and your journey. If you need something specific answered that is tailored to you, then book a one-on-one session where we’ll focus specifically on your needs.
You know, Vent Media represents everything I do as a creative entrepreneur, and I’ve created it to add value to those who want to bet on themselves and take actions that will move them forward.
Thank you for taking the time to read or listen. Until next time,